Saturday, August 30, 2014

Helping Hands Inc. Messages and Inspiration from our Founder: My Journey

Helping Hands Inc. Messages and Inspiration from our Founder: My Journey: Beautiful Sun set ! sitting at my desk this evening and looking out of the window it took me back thirteen years . That was very clear to me...

My Journey

Beautiful Sun set ! sitting at my desk this evening and looking out of the window it took me back thirteen years . That was very clear to me how I left my management position with American Airlines to start my journey to accomplish my dream it was one of the best decisions I made. To help and provide for the destitute homeless children around the world , Wow! it was a great journey, in the beginning years how I spent all my life savings in  doing things such as providing for the local needy children with food drives, educational toy drives, clothing's drives, wheel chair projects , carrying basic necessities and much more to children in need locally and in other parts of the globe with volunteers . Doing all these things I realized that I have spent most of my life savings and haven't created a long term solution for the needy children.

Realizing that I must come up with a long term solution to provide for the needy children I turn to putting a plan of action together . Researching, traveling and learning among many other things on how to come up with a long term solution to support the programs for the children and to provide them with life's basic necessities . Well now had to work more harder than before with sleepless nights, homeless nights and putting more than 18 hours a day was my schedule, now coming up with a plan and still keeping up with the local and international programs for the children grew harder and harder. I was more determined and kept writing on a self sustained program which will deliver more and more services for the children and to our fellow man.

Well! wrote over 242 pages on how to create a self sustained project and be able to provide for the children around the globe without depending on grants or donations, of course it is great to receive donations and grants we definitely need that to carry out our daily programs . Even though all of us have the heart to give sometimes we find if difficult to support our own basic life's necessities .

Therefore having a project that is self-sustained is far better when it comes to children , we should be able to provide for them without neglecting their daily needs .

Last thirteen years of hard work with courage, determination, perseverance ,honesty and well focused mind I was able to achieve with our volunteers all what we are today in making a difference in the little hearts out there and to our fellow-men .

Great ! the self sustained project now will create over 2000 jobs while providing educational programs for free for our children here in our communities and much more and still be able to provide for those in need around the world with food, shelter , clothing, education, medical care and much needed love and respect . Well now a little rest will go a long way for me and a warm cup of tea with a little squeeze of lime .

Currently our position is that we have secured 1200 acres, Architect site map is done, investors for the first phase are lined-up, now the process has begun for our first phase of the project in Hunt County Texas. Please visit for more information on how you can be a great part in doing good for the "Good of All.

Thank you and have a wonderful three day weekend and be safe out there

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


        We are in the process of phase one of the HHI Global Educational Cultural Center which includes: The International Educational Cultural Center, a state-of-the-art film studio with 125 acres dedicated for movie making, lake on 150 acres, 5-star hotel, and a premier18-hole golf course, roads, sewer, fiber optics, permits etc.  

Located in Hunt County, Texas, USA, the Global Center will be constructed on 1200 acres approximately 45 minutes from the Dallas Metroplex. The Center will provide free access to world renowned alternative health professionals, supportive, fun, interactive education and recreation in a peaceful, natural environment. It will encompass every nations cultures, history and traditions. The Global Centers hotel and guest quarters shall be surrounded by the International Educational Cultural Center
(representing over 200 countries), a 2,000 seat outdoor theater, The World Organic Garden, The Center for
Natural Health, a 150 acre lake, a state-of-the-art film studio, and a Nature Pavilion all surrounded by an
approximately 4 ft. Wall of Confidence with each brick engraved with a name chosen by the supportive donors.
This peaceful setting will promote peer teaching and natural life enrichment. The education and learning practices from each culture will be combined to help needy children in all nations via the corresponding satellite HHI global chapters each with a representative at the HHI Global Center as a liaison to them, their local community and to their countries Ambassador to the United Nations.


The objective of the Global Center in Texas, USA is to provide a recreational learning environment to raise awareness by: 

         Teaching an understanding of all cultures, which will include instruction on the history, culture, fine arts and trade of over 200 nations.

         Offering treatment and education on the major health related traditions around the world.

         Teaching sustainable organic gardening, which will nurture children, bringing harmony to their mind and body while promoting global friendliness and compassion.

         Concepts of learning from one another, which co-creates a peaceful environment of acceptance among our local and global communities.

         Raise funds to support the humanitarian activities at the satellite HHI Global Chapters around the world & to maintain the HHI Global Center in Hunt County, Texas USA and its programs. Please visit our website for more information about our mission/work.